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Let the Lazy Games begin!

15 grudnia 2020

I got lazy. I got lazy to the point that I even became a lazy vr gamer. When reaching for my Oculus goggles last evening, I had one thing in mind - Entertain me, but don’t make me get up and dodge bullets! Obviously, I have no intention of getting rid of my serious case of lazies, so my entertainment strategy needed to be adjusted. 



Scrolling through the Oculus store, sitting on my couch under a warm blanket with a cup of tea (read: wine), I started noticing games and apps that I never paid much attention to. It’s always about going on a thrilling adventure, running from monsters or fighting enemies. You swing your arms like a crazy person using that lightsaber, run into furniture avoiding hits, or get mentally punched by thrilling horrors. Virtual reality gaming is a sweaty and draining sport! So this time, I looked for calm and fun content which you can enjoy in a comfortable mode - sitting down, with as little movement required from me as possible. Oh boy! I had more fun than I expected - let me tell you, I ain’t moving from my couch in a foreseeable future and here is why:




I can go fishing and relax by the water with Bait!. I know a thing or two about fishing but I don’t really fish in real life. Turns out, in virtual reality I do fish and I love it! This game allows you to sit back in a chair, on a beach and catch some pretty weird fish. You can get too tired reeling fish by hand, you bet I did, so switch the reeling setting to the trigger mode. ONE HAND FISHING! My couch potato position is not threatened by this game - win!


Click here to learn more about Bait! app.




2.Journey to the top of the world


I climbed to the top of the world with “Everest VR: Journey to the top of the world” without moving a finger. Ok, maybe I moved a finger to adjust my view but that’s about it. This docu series amazed me with its crisp footage and the opportunity to see the astonishing views in person. Status of my laziness - undisrupted. You can climb Everest in your Oculus TV app.






Speaking of…


3.Oculus TV


Oculus TV app is full of video gems! I got lost in the content for hours and had a crazy amount of fun diving with sharks, exploring Africa, and going on a quick adventure with (say it with the voice) Batman. All you gotta do it click next while the goggles take you on a journey through different realms. This is the next level of laziness even for me, but hey! If you have fun, it is not a waste of time. Remember that!


For more information about Oculus TV, click here.






4.Epic Roller Coasters


I can sit in a cart on a roller coaster and simply enjoy the ride! Epic Roller Coasters is for you if you want to wave your hands in the air like you just don’t care and ride, ride, ride... Until you unavoidably get nauseous. When you do, I recommend switching to the shooting mode and practising your aim on targets popping up as you ride the roller coaster. Of course, then you have to move your arms… but still you get to sit on your bum and continue being lazy, so I consider that a win!


Click here, for more information about Epic Roller Coasters.






5.Color space


Last but not least, I can color books! I mean, I can literally step into the picture and color it. With no real steps required - jackpot! Color Space is perfect for a chill moment of creating something cool by letting your imagination run free - and that’s the only running I intend to do.


Click here to learn more about Color Space.






6.Bogo and Vacation Simulator


If you don’t mind getting up from time to time, you can also give Bogo and Vacation Simulator a go. Bogo is your virtual reality pet and it sort of feels like being inside a tamagotchi but with a much better graphic. Remember those?! Vacation simulator on the other hand gives you small tasks to fulfill in a very colorful, animated world. It’s instant gratification for any effort you make, but it is up to you if you want to make it.


Click here for more information about bogo, or here for more about vacation simulator.






If you too caught the lazies, I made this list for you. You’re welcome - now, you don’t even have to look for relaxed games. But if you happen to find more games and apps that allow you to be cuddled up on a couch and not move, share them with me @incuvogames or leave a comment here.


Let the Lazy Games begin!



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